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*As They Saw His Angel Face*  2/27/02


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As They Saw His Angel Face

By:  Bob Perks

They were both there the first time he cried.  It was a joyful sound.  The sound of life beginning and they waited so long to hear it.  Mom and Dad were proud of him as they saw his angel face.

But today he lay there in the dirt face down crying one more time..."Mom, me!"  They were not nearby to hear his final cry.

He grew to be a young man full of hope and pride.  He had dreams and plans for the future.  In fact, waiting for him back home was the girl of his dreams.  They met at school and just like fairy tales and romance stories this love affair was the kind that was meant to be.

The last time they saw each other they made promises of faithfulness.  They talked about the wedding and a dozen or more children of their own.  He said "I love you more than anything in this world."  She cried and with tears running softly down her face she said, " I will wait for you and while we are apart my heart will skip every other beat until your return."

Mom and Dad stood by watching and dreaming of grandchildren to come and how
they would spend the holidays together as one big family.

They said goodbye and after long "I don't want to let you go" hugs, they waved one last time as the plane lifted off the run way and headed away from home.

On the drive back there was silence as each of them remembered the first times, the good times, and the challenges of the past.

"Honey, it seems like just yesterday that he took his first steps," said Dad.

"I can remember holding him in my arms and thanking God for this miracle in my life," said Mom.

"Mom," said the young bride to be, "I know that feeling, too."

Months pass by and letters exchanged by the dozens.  His time away is coming to an end.  He'll be home again soon.

They gather at the airport once more to greet him.  This should have been the joyful return of their son, her fiance.

The plane lands and makes it's final turn.  The propellers stop with a sputtering sound.  The passenger door opens as the steps are put in place. But this is not for him.  The rear baggage door is unlatched and a small truck rolls underneath to gather it's contents.

"There, that must him." Dad whispers quietly.  Mom bursts into tears.  His fiance bows her head and cries openly into her hands.

He is home just like he promised.  She was faithful and true.  They didn't hear his last cry.  He died face down on foreign soil.

You see he and tens of thousands of other men and women returned home that way so that you could be with your family and friends this weekend sharing laughter, good food and the freedom that only America can offer.

War should never be.  But as it has had it's place in our history, young men and women gave their lives for the things that you and I take for granted everyday.  Count your freedoms and they will equal one for every life lost.

Know that as Mom and Dad stood by the casket and looked at their son one last time, Mom and Dad were proud of him as they saw his angel face.

God Bless them all and God Bless America!

"I believe in You!"
Bob Perks

Write Bob and let him know your thoughts on his story!

Bob is a professional speaker, author, member of
the National Speakers Assoc., and the National
Writers Assoc. Sign up for Bob's FREE weekly
messages, "I Believe in YOU!" by visiting: or send an email to: 
All stories remain the property of Bob Perks Copyright 2001


From now on we will be offering our book,
Straight From the Heart "A Celebration of Life" for
only $13 (instead of the regular price of $14.95), and
best of all, we will pay the shipping!  So if you have
any interest in purchasing an autographed copy of
the book for yourself, or as a gift for your loved ones,
now is the time to get it!

To order your autographed copy send a check or
money order for $13 (We pay the shipping!) for each
book made out to Michael T. Powers, and then send it to:

Michael T. Powers
1918 Liberty Lane
Janesville, WI 53545

To preview the book by reading some of the stories visit:

AOL Users Click below:
Straight From the Heart: A Celebration of Life


Reader Feedback!

Re: *A Boy's Tale*  By Edwin Williams

Thank you so much for all the stories that you take the time to send to us.  I really
enjoyed today's story.  It took me back to my childhood when my friends and I would be laying in the grass and looking into the clouds trying to find recognizable shapes there and pointing them out to each other.  I am truly blessed to be on your mailing list and I am grateful for each of your e-mails.
Sincerely felt,

Thought For The Day:

"When you are laboring for others, let it be with the same zeal as if it
were for yourself."

Verse for the Day:

"Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also
to the interests of others." --Philippians 2:4

Kid's Thought for the day:

"Apologize for it before your mother notices the stain on your shirt."

Parent's Thought For The Day

"Every mother is like Moses.  She never enters the promised land.
She prepares a world she does not ever get to see."

Coach's Thought For The Day

"We are not primarily put on this earth to see through one another,
but to see one another through." --Peter De Vries

Deep Thought For The Day:

"Only a mediocre person is always at his best."


\_\  /  
/_/  \    "For I have been crucified with Christ and I no
\_\/\ \   longer live, but Christ lives in me.  The life I
  \_\/   live in the body I live for the Son of God, who    
loved me and gave Himself for me."
Galatians 2:20

The copyrights to the stories that appear in are owned by the authors and
are used with their permission. We refuse to run
stories without the author's permission and contact
info listed after the story. We also refuse to publish
stories listed as "author unknown."  (All of which
violates Copyright Law and the rights of the authors.)
This e-mail may be forwarded in its entirety, but please
do not cut and paste the stories to be used elsewhere
unless you have contacted and been given permission
by the individual writer.  Thank you so much for
honoring the rights of those writers who graciously
share their stories with us!


Video Imagery --Michael's Video Production Business

I thought of you first after my family sat down to watch
the video we gave them. They loved it, to say the
least!  Within thirty seconds my mom was crying
and my dad did too. They said it was the best
Christmas gift we could have given them!!  You
did such a beautiful job!  They were so surprised
and so touched--they really, really, really loved it.
Thanks for helping to make it so special to us all.
My mom mentioned how the songs were perfect
for the video too! Thanks again!"
elli-- College Station, TX

Let me make you a video from your pictures or
home movies! Check out the web page for Michael's
video production business!  Visit:

AOL Users click here:   Video Imagery

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