
{Straight From the Heart}   *A Tribute To My Mother*  5/10/00

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A Tribute to My Mother

Affectionally referred to as ... MaWee!

By:  Kathee Runo

MaWee taught me first the love of God. I can remember prayer at our 
family mealtimes and at bedtimes. I remember attending LaJolla Baptist 
Church as a toddler and pre-schooler. We then attended other churches 
nearer to our home as an adolescent and teen. Because of MaWee, God 
has always been presented to me, always been a part of my life! 

While a toddler, I can remember her bailing me out of a hopeless 
situation. I was playing with my doll's hot water bottle, and when it 
bounced under an overstuffed chair, I was unable to reach it. I cried 
out in frustration and MaWee came to my rescue. She tilted the chair 
way back and retrieved it for me. As a 2-3 year old, I can remember 
to this day, how strong she was to lift the chair and give me back my 
toy. MaWee was the miracle worker before they ever thought about 
producing the movie. 

At 4.5 years old, I remember how she patiently cared for me while I 
was experiencing the excrutiating pain of a ruptured appendix. She 
drove me to the hospital herself. After the surgery, I remember how 
she lovingly taught me ... that I wasn't supposed to show EVERY body 
my scar! 

At 5, when my brother and I played with matches and we accidentally 
started a major bonfire in our side yard, it was MaWee who put it out. 
It was MaWee who also saw to it that we were ... disciplined. 

She taught me culture; I took ballet, acrobatic and tap dancing 
lessons. I remember her support of me the night I danced to "Dance 
with the Dolly with a Hole in Her Stocking" at a talent night with 
the dance studio. 

It was MaWee who let me walk instead of ride in the parade with my 
dance troupe. I was barely 6. 

It was MaWee who made my mouse outfit for a number I did for ballet, 
and my outfit was complete with PINK ears!  I was the ONLY mouse with 
pink ears!  It was MaWee who wanted me to ... stand out in a crowd! 

She gave me opportunities to learn piano and let me take skating rink 
lessons. I modeled baby doll pajamas in a fashion show for the Women's 
Club of LaJolla. 

It was MaWee who taught me that "pretty is as pretty does". She said 
many times, "If you can't say something nice about someone, it's best 
not to say anything at all." She taught me to think before I speak. 

I remember MaWee holding me on her lap as she tapped "tunes" to the 
songs from movies onto my back. We played a guessing game as to which 
song she was tapping. My favorite was Doris Day's song, from the movie,
"The Man Who Knew Too Much", called ... Que Sera! 

MaWee taught me to be frugal; she showed me how to save money. In 
fact, I had so much that I played store with my real money. I can 
remember MaWee and Dad, borrowing money from me when they wanted to 
go to the movies before payday. She also must have taught me about 
interest ... because I always got back a little more than I had given. 

While sewing my clothes in 4th grade, she taught me how to hold in my 
stomach, so that when I got to be an adult, I'd have a flat stomach. 
For that, MaWee ... I'm grateful to this day! 

At the dinner table in 5th grade, I casually mentioned that I'd 
learned "how you make babies" from my friends at school. I of course, 
told the playground version! I asked MaWee if it was really ... true. 
It was MaWee, who took the time after dinner to teach me the more 
appropriate facts of life. 

When MaWee remarried, I was experiencing quite a bit of jealous 
feelings, going from the baby of the family to the oldest, with 3 
younger step siblings. It was MaWee who woke me up before the rest of 
the family, just so we could have quiet time together. 

It was MaWee who gave me my first "physical attribute" compliment. 
Back in the late sixties, we wore micro-mini skirts to high school.
MaWee had picked me up from school and told she watched me cross the 
street and had noticed how "cute" my legs looked in my mini skirt. 
Gee, they looked just like hers ... no wonder!! 

It was MaWee who had the patience to teach me to drive a stick shift...
in a Corvair no less! 

It was MaWee who trusted my judgement enough to allow me to go to a 
drive-in movie ... with a boy ... on a FIRST date! 

MaWee was there to comfort me when I got dumped by a boyfriend and I 
thought I'd never get over him. She told me there were plenty of "fish"
in the sea. She told me I'd one day find God's best for me, a man who 
wouldn't hurt me like this boy had. Years later, when I went through 
the heartbreak of a divorce, it was MaWee who cried with me over long
distance calls. 

When I had strayed from the Lord, it was MaWee who showed me I could 
start anew and experience once again, God's forgiveness and "agape" 

MaWee showed respect to the men of my life, even when she didn't 
approve. She was also there for me when the relationships went sour. 
She shared from her heart, her own shortcomings and taught me how to 
move on. 

MaWee has loved my own children by her actions. She's made "memories 
in the mail" so that they knew who Gramma was, even while she was 
living out of state.  It was her way of influencing their lives ... 
behind the scenes.  She sent many a Christian tract, wholesome 
articles and magazines. To this day, my children look forward to 
hearing from her in this way. 

Growing up, I have many fond memories of beaches, parks, picnics and 
zoo excursions, camping and hunting trips with Dad, summer YMCA camp, 
of spending time with my grandparents, of many different church 
outings. All because MaWee wanted me to have memories to cherish that 
these experiences would provide. 

MaWee passed on the "desire to write" and taught me by example how to 
put my heart and soul into words, through stories. It is now my 
favorite pasttime. 

MaWee wasn't perfect. But she loved me perfectly. As you've seen, 
MaWee got to see me in good times and bad ... but she's always stood 
by me and loved me unconditionally. 

I am proud to say that I am my mother's daughter! 

Kathee Runo
Send Kathee an email and let her know what you thought of her story!

A little bit about Kathee:

Kathee Runo is owner of The Life Story Writing Networks at
http://www.lifestorywriting.com/ .net/ and .org/   She loves
writing stories about her family and the unusual life situations
with three teenagers still in the home.  She recently started the
Life Story Writing mail list at http://lifestory.listbot.com and
already has subscribers from Cardiff by the Sea, California to
the Orient.  The story below is featured at
http://www.lifestorywriting.com/momtrib.htm  and Kathee's mother,
Thelly, has her website featured at the
http://www.lifestorywriting.net/ site, which was her "Mother's
Day gift for life" beginning in 1998. 


Thought For The Day:

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick 
themselves up and hurry off as if nothing has happened."
(Winston Churchill)

Verse for the Day:

"The ear that heareth the reproof of life abideth among the wise"
Proverbs 15:31

Kid's Thought For The day:

"You won't catch a whale with a worm."

Parent's Thought For The Day

"Think of stretch marks as pregnancy service stripes."
(Joyce Armor)

Coach's Thought For The Day

"Nothing makes a player more productive than the last minute."
(John Kessel)

Deep Thought For The Day:

"I was cesarean born. You can't really tell, although whenever I 
leave a house, I go out through a window."
(Steven Wright)

Note of thanks:

From:	cjhandgarth@yahoo.com (Crystal Hughes)

Hello Mr. Powers,
     I just wanted to thank everyone who prayed for my
2nd cousin, Dustin, who had surgery Monday.  He went
in and out without any fuss and was fine.  He was home
hours later eating a hamburger.  His parents wanted me
to thank everyone who sent up a whisper for them. 
Thanks again, IN Christ's love,
               Crystal  WV

\_\  /    THUNDER27@aol.com   http://members.aol.com/Thunder27/index.html
/_/  \    "For I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but
\_\/\ \   Christ lives in me.  The life I live in the body I live for the Son
   \_\/   of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."  Galatians 2:20	

Video Imagery (Michael's Video Production Business)

"I thought of you first after my family sat down to watch the video 
we gave them. They loved it, to say the least!  Within thirty 
seconds my mom was crying and my dad did too.  They said it was 
the best Christmas gift we could have given them!!  You did such 
a beautiful job!  They were so suprised and so touched---they 
really, really, really loved it.  Thanks for helping to make it so 
special to us all.  My mom mentioned how the songs were perfect for 
the video too!  Thanks again!"
Kelli  (RKaGe@aol.com)    College Station, TX 

Let me make you a video from your pictures or home movies!
Check out the web page for Michael's video production business!
 Video Imagery 