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{SFTH}   *The Prayer*  7/5/01


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Michael's long awaited book Straight From the Heart: "A Celebration of
Life," is finally here!  Close to 200 pages of true short stories filled with love
and laughter await you!  Visit our web site to order the EBook, or to order
by credit card! You can also read some sample stories from the book here!

A number of people have written to us asking what an EBook is, since
our book is being offered in both print and EBook versions.  An EBook
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Straight From the Heart "A Celebration of Life."


The Prayer

By Lynelle Dawson

?Lord, please bring me a decent, honest, Christian man,? I prayed before falling into an exhausted sleep one Spring day for an afternoon nap. 
My plea came from the lips of a woman weary of lies from those who claimed to love her.  Though I'd not been to church in years, I'd been contemplating returning as I wanted my daughter, Kallie, still a toddler, to have a strong basis of Christianity and love for God in her life.
Upon waking, I thought no more of the prayer.  Kallie had woken from her nap also and so we went outside to play and enjoy the fresh air for a couple of hours before dinner. 
While outside, our dog began to bark at a man walking across the church parking lot that was disconnected from our yard by only our back fence.  While I told Beau to be quiet, I watched as the man stopped in his tracks for a moment.  Almost as if making a decision within himself, he turned, and came walking back to our fence. 
?Hi, my name is Curt Denton.  I'm the youth pastor here and I'd like to invite you both to church,? he says.
Taken aback in my rather casual ?around-the-house? garb, trying to keep Beau from barking his fool head off, attempting to reassure Kallie about this strange man standing at our back fence, and while still trying to carry on a reasonably polite conversation, I was at a momentary awkward loss for words. 
?Actually I've been wanting to go,? I hesitated, ?But, my daughter has never been left with strangers and I really didn't know if I could take her into the service with me or if I could stay with her in the nursery until she became comfortable?? The words of explanation came pouring out. 
He was very reassuring and told me that whichever decision I felt comfortable with would be perfectly acceptable to everyone. 
My relief was evident as I thanked him for taking a few minutes to explain things about the church such as how it was setup and the times of the services. 
?We'll definitely come for a visit.  Thank you so much for inviting us,? I told him. 
I meant it too. 
The prayer had been forgotten.
Next my neighbor had to tease me about how he and his wife had lived there for four years and had never been invited to go to church there.
?Perhaps I should go outside in a little sundress and I'd get invited,? he quipped.  I laughed an embarrassed laugh as I HAD been quite uncomfortable speaking to this man in clothing that I normally would not go out in public in!
As I spoke with his wife and told her about what had happened, including how nice the man was that invited us, I suddenly remembered the prayer in awe. 
Next Sunday I got Kallie up and told her we were going to church.  Of course, she had no clue what I was talking about but she soon found out.
As it turned out, Mr. Denton was married, but that was fine as he was not the reason I was finally returning to church after over a decade of non-church membership.  I was making my return to church for myself?and for Kallie.
Still I remember the prayer and somehow feel that somewhere in this whole experience, I will find the decent Christian man I am seeking.  I have just decided to trust God and continue on with helping Kallie grow into a wonderful young toddler with a deep and abiding love for our Creator. 
Recently someone stepped into my life from out of the clear blue sky.  In one of his initial emails he wrote, ?I'm spiritual on many levels, with Christianity as my base.?
Intrigued, we began an email conversation that shortly thereafter became long telephone conversations and is now resulting in our first date. 
He turned out to be an attorney with a long and impressive list of credentials that almost overwhelmed me, including former assistant district attorney and former state assistant attorney general. 
More importantly, I am discovering a man whom impressive titles only partially tell the story of the goodness and kindness within.  A man whom spent his career protecting ?at risk? populations such as children, elderly, and the developmentally disabled at great personal sacrifice because he believed in the cause.
Even more exciting, he is a Christian and would like to attend church with us!
Though the ending to this story is still as yet unknown, I am constantly amazed when I am reminded of the old adage, ?Never underestimate the power of prayer.?
Lynelle Dawson

Send Lynelle an e-mail and let her know what you thought of her story!

Lynelle and Kallie live in Oklahoma with their menagerie of pets.  Lynelle says the initial prayer was actually inspired by Michael and Kristi Powers? personal love story.  Her and Kallie have been attending church ever since and are even now participating in their Vacation Bible School!  To read more of Lynelle?s stories, please go to and click on the ?My Writing? link.

For those of you who have not read how Kristi and I first met, the story is
in our new book and can be read on our web site at:


Reader Feedback!

Dear Michael,
 I finished reading the book by the second night after I received it in
the mail...I laughed a lot and felt such strong emotions reading some
them that I just had to tell you how much I enjoyed it...The story, "A
Father's Love on Pg. 124 really touched me and it was one of my
favorites...then there was the one on Pg. 164, "Somebody Help the
Boy", that made me laugh so hard and I just had to read it aloud
to my husband!
 I just have to share my book with my friends.  It would be a shame to keep
it all to myself.  Keep up the good work!
Robbie Mize

     I just finished reading your story about fireworks w/ your family. I had tears in my eyes by the time I was finished with it. It was very beautiful. My husband, Ken and I have 3 children--11 year old Brianna (she will be 12 on the 21st), 9 year old Cody and 2 1/2 year old Madison. I think children are a reality check for parents! We forget day-to-day to stop and smell the roses. I love seeing things through our kids' eyes...most of the time they have a different perspective...that we forget at adults...we forgot how to enjoy life as a child. I understand what you said about wanting him to sit on your lap during fireworks and you could explain things to husband and I have done the same want to feel important to your child...but he would have loved to have you with him...doing anything...just to feel loved. It sounds like you and your wife are a happy and special family. We really enjoy family time with ours...we try yo make the most of it. Brianna has made us realize how time flies seems like only yesterday that we brought her home with she is entering 7th grade...where did the time go? Thank you for sharing this story...I can't wait to share it with my husband.
Helen Styers


I just loved the story when lightening bugs look like fireworks and has
me seeing things I never seen before. As soon as I can get it I am going
to get your book Straight from the Heart. God will Bless you
Thank you
Donna Morrison from Bartlesvile, Oklahoma USA

I'd like to subscribe to your beautiful stories, visiting your website was
like been introduced to all the members of your family, I pray that God will
endow you with more wisdom and power to take the work to greater height.
Keep up the good work, regard to everybody and God bless!
Fadairo Pearl

Thought For The Day:

"God has a history of using the insignificant to accomplish the impossible."
--Richard Exley

Verse for the Day:

And Jesus looking upon them said,  "With men it is impossible, but not with
God: for with God all things are possible." --Mark 10:27

Kid's Thought For The day:

"Don't argue for a later bedtime when you still have pajamas with feet."

Parent's Thought For The Day

"People who say they sleep like a  baby usually don't have one." --L.J. Burke

Coach's Thought For The Day

"The Lord gave us two ends to use; one to think with, the other to sit on.  Which
one we use will determine how well we do in life.  In other words, heads you
win, tails you lose."

Deep Thought For The Day:

"If a man says something in the woods and there are no women
there, is he still wrong?"


My mother is going through chemo treatments for the 2nd time for colon cancer which has metaticized into her liver.  Two new places on her liver were discovered 1 month ago after one year of chemo.  Please agree with us in prayer that God will place His healing Hand inside her body and that she will be cancer free and the cure will be for God's glorification and magnification.

Linda Rausch (Colwich, KS)


Report from Rebecca Mink this morning: The need for prayer and fasting
continues. Gary remains in the ICU in the hospital in Durban, South Africa.
She has confidence in the doctors. Specific areas needing prayer and God's
1. Although there has been some reduction in the brain swelling, Gary
cannot keep any food or liquids down
2. Rebecca had wanted to somehow get Gary home, but he is still too sick
for travel
3. Prayer that she is able to get the right flights at the right time, and
to know whether to get one way or round trip tickets
4. Prayer for Rebecca who is exhausted, and for Simeon
We pray that the Blood of our Gracious Lord Jesus Christ will cover Gary,
Rebecca, and Simeon with every Grace needed for healing, strength, wisdom,
and safety.
Thank you...

\_\  /  
/_/  \    "For I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but
\_\/\ \   Christ lives in me.  The life I live in the body I live for the Son
   \_\/   of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20 


The copyrights to the stories that appear in SFTH are owned by the
authors and are used with their permission.  We refuse to run stories
without the author's permission and contact info listed after the story.
We also refuse to publish stories listed as "author unknown."
(All of which violates Copyright law and the rights of the authors.)
This e-mail may be forwarded in its entirety, but please do not cut
and paste the stories to be used elsewhere unless you have
contacted and been given permission by the individual writer.
Thank you so much for honoring the rights of those writers who
graciously share their stories with us!

Video Imagery (Michael's Video Production Business.)

"I thought of you first after my family sat down to watch the video we gave
them. They loved it, to say the least!  Within thirty seconds my mom was
crying and my dad did too.  They said it was the best Christmas gift we
could have given them!!  You did such a beautiful job!  They were so
surprised and so touched---they really, really, really loved it.  Thanks
for helping to make it so special to us all.  My mom mentioned how
the songs were perfect for the video too!  Thanks again!"
Kelli-- College Station, TX

Let me make you a video from your pictures or home movies!
Check out the web page for Michael's video production business!

AOL Users click here:   Video Imagery

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Writer's guidelines can be found on our Web site here:

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AOL Users Click Here: Straight From the Heart: A Celebration of Life


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Michael's long awaited book Straight From the Heart: "A Celebration of
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with love and laughter await you!  Visit our web site to order your copy!
You can also read some sample stories from the book here!

AOL Users Click Here: Straight From the Heart: A Celebration of Life

To order your autographed copy at no extra charge, send a check or
money order for $18 ($14.95 for the book and $3.05 for shipping and handling)
made out to Michael T. Powers.
Michael T. Powers
1918 Liberty Lane
Janesville, WI 53545
For two books add $4 for shipping and handling and for three books add $5 for shipping and handling.  If you want four or more autographed copies of our book you only pay $5 for shipping and handling. We'll pay the extra shipping costs!
Be sure to let us know who you would like it autographed for and then allow about two weeks for us to sign it and send it on its way to you.

Transfer your photographs or old home videos over to DVD or MP4 files! Give the gift that will touch your family's heart and soul.

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