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{Straight From the Heart}   *You'll Find Me Standing There...*  10/12/00

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You'll Find Me Standing There...

By Bob Perks

My son is getting married on Friday, October 6, 2000.

I suppose many Father's don't get caught up in the emotional stuff of an event like this.  They are too busy tending to details and making last minute arrangements.  They tell me it's different for a Father when a son gets married. 

But, not for me.  Keith and I have been through a lot together.

So why of all the things that I could possibly reflect back on, do I think about his feet?

His birth, his entry into our lives was a miracle.  We wanted a baby from the first year we were married.  It took five years for that to happen and then nearly ten hours of labor.  It was appropriate for him to arrive on this Easter morning. Like the celebration of Christ's resurrection, Keith was indeed a miracle.

Back then Dads weren't permitted to be bed side at birth.  So, as unfair as it was, Mom suffered all the agony, pain and I assume the joy of birth.   I could only walk the halls and drink coffee. 

As the time approached I anxiously watched the door at the end of the long hallway.  Suddenly it opened and a nurse, yes a perfect stranger, introduced me to my first son. 

I always teased Keith that as beautiful as a newborn is there was an odd, elongated shape to his head when I first saw him.  His dark hair swirled around his cherub-like face.  The image of a newly hatched bird squirming, stretching blindly into the new world rushed through my mind. 

Then I saw his feet.

They were tiny, soft and wrinkled.  In the miracle of creation they were absolutely perfect in every way.  But they needed to be.  For they would take him where he wanted to go on his journey through life.

For now they were pampered and powered, kissed gently and held softly.   One day, at just the right moment, after crawling his way into the world, he would suddenly pull himself up and stand ever so briefly along side a chair.  Bravely, or perhaps just out of curiosity, he would make his way around the room hanging on to anything that would support him.

Then, without him even realizing the significance of it all, he would let go and balancing like a man on a tight rope, he would stand alone.

It was with that first step, that magical moment that our son would begin his journey away from us.

Yes, it is a fact that our sole purpose as parents is to nurture, strengthen and guide our children to stand on their own one day.  Everything we do prepares them to leave us. 

In the years between that moment and his wedding day, I have cherished each step he took.

I have seen his feet walk up and down the stairs for the first time.  I have seen him running to greet his "Pop Jugie" and watched them swing in the air as his Grandfather lifted him high above his head.

I have watched his feet running through the park, jumping out of bed on Christmas morning.  I watched them on his first bike and prayed they would guide him safely as he peddled away from the security of our grasp.

I watched them walk into a classroom for the first time.  

Then, years later, in one of the darkest hours of my life, I saw them wiggle nervously, painfully as I told him that I was leaving home.  This day, his feet became stronger as they needed to support the weight of a million tons of worry and confusion I had wrongly dumped into his life.

But they carried him well in spite of me.

I watched from the passenger side of an automobile as he nervously stepped on the gas for the first time.  Then from the side of the road as a State Trooper tested his skills and knowledge needed for a license to drive away from us.

The years that followed would see him walk down across the stage to receive his high school diploma.   He would walk along side of and hand in hand with his first love.  He would walk down the hallway on crutches to hear a doctor confirm he had cancer.  I would painfully stare at the foot of his left leg as the doctor suggested that it may be necessary to amputate.  He would walk along the corridor in a hospital holding onto the pole that carried his life saving chemotherapy. 

In a moment that seemed surreal to me, in a huge auditorium, I heard his name called out and watched him as he stood this time to receive his college degree.  It was a graduation that by all medical odds should never have taken place.   

Then, in the next few years he would walk in and out of my life as he began to make decisions that a young man struggles with.  We were at odds.  But he always stood firmly in my heart and soul no matter where he was.

Now, this Friday he will walk down the aisle on the next incredible journey in his life.  He will stand at the alter before God and next to a most wonderful, beautiful young woman.  Sarah is his life blood, his love and dreams all wrapped in one.  The Pastor will unite them as husband and wife and I will watch proudly as they take their first steps together.

And the future?

In my dreams and prayers I see Keith walking toward me as he holds his first child, my first grand child.  I will again see the face of a miracle, an angel sent from Heaven and memories of what seems like just yesterday will envelope my soul. 

I will look at my grandchild's feet in awe and wonder what path they will venture on.  I will caress and kiss them in a déjà vu flashback in time.

Thanks Keith for walking with me for 23 years.  Promise me that you will return often from your journey.  You'll find me standing there with my arms open wide.

"I love you!"


Bob Perks copyright 2000

Send Bob an email and let him know what you thought of his story!


Professional Speaker and Author, member National Speakers Assoc. and National Writers Assoc.
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Make a wish on a star! Pass it on to
friends, please!

From  (Kim)

Hi everyone,
  how are all of you?  how is God working in your life lately?  well, as many of you know, i just moved to St. Louis, MO to help my brother, Scott, with his inner-city ministry until i go back to school in January.  i have such an important request for all of you...
  this weekend is going to be a major opportunity to witness!  two groups are coming down here and this place is gonna get rocked :)
  the first group is actually from Footville, Wisconsin.  i believe it's a group of highschoolers who have written a great musical.  it focuses on common scenes of hurts we all (or a majority of us) have or will the world may fail us, but God never does and never will.  that the one thing we truly need is his love and the saving grace of Jesus.  it leads into a time of invitation, and that will be a very powerful time!  please pray that God leads people to the musical with open minds and hearts, so that the holy spirit can lead them to accepting Christ as their personal lord and savior.
  the second group is from a college, but i can't remember which one at the moment.  they will be doing an area survey so we can have even more information about where people are at and what they dig so we can minister to them better.  along with the survey, they will be doing some major praying with us.  there is a building around the corner we are looking to purchase; it is greatly needed to allow the ministry to get to its potential as many people are hungry to learn about God, but hesitant to meet in our house (that's where all the bible studies and stuff have been held right now).  the cost is too high and there are tons of renovations to be done.  we are going to walk around the building 7 times (like in Jericho), but instead of the walls falling down, we'll pray that financial walls fall and that God will deliver this essential need to our ministry.
  you guys, there is power in prayer!!!  that is one of the major things i learned this past summer, and there are no limitations where God is concerned.  we do not receive because we do not ask, or we ask with wrong intentions; along with asking, we need to claim it in the powerful name of Christ. 
hugs and smiles


From: (Sherri)

Some of you know me face to face others just as good cyber friends.  But I know that God is everywhere and I know he performs miracles.  That is what I believe in right now.  My mother was to have hernia surgery today and come to find out it wasn't a hernia but a huge tumor.  The doctor says it is cancer and although it has to be sent off to see what kind of cancer and all of that.  I know God is high on his throne and I know he still performs miracles.  he does everyday in waking me up.  I am asking all of you to pass this on to all you know that can pray to hold her up in prayer.  We are all still in shock and it seems a dream but I know the days ahead will be different.  Thanks and blessings to you all.
In His Love,

Thought For The Day:

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing that you will make one."
(Elbert G. Hubbard)

Verse for the Day:

"Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Dueteronomy 31:6

Kid's Thought For The Day:

"A penny saved is not much."

Parent's Thought For The Day

"A grandmother will put a sweater on you when she is cold, feed you when she is hungry, and put you to bed when she is tired.
(Erma Bombeck)

Coach's Thought For The Day

"There is something that is more scarce, something rarer than ability.  It is the ability to recognize ability."
(Robert Half)

Deep Thought For The Day:

"On a clear disk you can seek forever."

\_\  /  
/_/  \    "For I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but
\_\/\ \   Christ lives in me.  The life I live in the body I live for the Son
   \_\/   of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."  Galatians 2:20 

Video Imagery (Michael's Video Production Business.)

"I thought of you first after my family sat down to watch the video we gave them. They loved it, to say the least!  Within thirty seconds my mom was crying and my dad did too.  They said it was the best Christmas gift we could have given them!!  You did such a beautiful job!  They were so surprised and so touched---they really, really, really loved it.  Thanks for helping to make it so special to us all.  My mom mentioned how the songs were perfect for the video too!  Thanks again!"
Kelli  (    College Station, TX

Let me make you a video from your pictures or home movies!
Check out the web page for Michael's video production business!
 Video Imagery

Do you feel as if life has no meaning for you?
 The Four Spiritual Laws

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