{Straight From the Heart} *Niagra Falls* 11/21/99 Welcome to "Straight From the Heart!" If you enjoy this free email service, I encourage you to forward it on to family and friends. If this has been passed along to you and you want to join the list, just send a blank email to: Thunder27@aol.com. I appreciate any feedback or constructive criticism, so feel free to write me (Michael T. Powers) and let me know what you think! Niagara Falls Have you ever seen Niagara Falls lately. Guess what? It's still running. Many a person has wondered where all this water comes from. In early spring, Niagara Falls is quite awesome as the heavy winter ice starts to break up. Did you know that last year the ice in the gorge was the thickest that it has ever been-- up to 30 feet thick? This ice forms an ice bridge that people can actually walk on to the other shore, not that I'd like to do that. That's like our lives at times. God's Spirit comes rushing over the Falls, breaking up some of the bitterness present, old habits, old thoughts lingering. He wants to flush them out of our lives and perhaps unrepentant hearts so He can work again. Sometimes we like that ice bridge in our lives because it anchors and solidifies us to our past or our traditions. But many times God wants us to move on and seek a new dimension, something that we may have never experienced before. And that can hurt. The ice likes to stay around but the warmer water eats it away. The ice heaves, buckles, and is hurled down the river bed, leaving a clean slate for God to work with. Maybe some scars remain, but God wants a clean river bed to work with. It's the Spring season that can make the flowers grow, the trees bud and blossom. Further down stream is the whirlpool. Here you'll see water and debris go around and around, always moving in a circular, counterclockwise direction. Floating objects can stay there for weeks, constantly orbiting in a mindless direction. We can have the same motion in our own lives. Our excuses could be that we were born that way, we were brought up that way, or it's too hard to change our circumstances. Little do we know that if we allow God's Spirit to prod us out of our giant whirlpool of life, take a tangent, our situation could improve. Maybe we might have to take a little hectic ride down the rapids through the narrows where the river is less than 200 feet wide called the Devil's Hole Rapids. It just below Niagara Glen but wow, we can see a whole new part of God's creation. Jeremiah 29:11 says it all. " 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the Lord, 'and will bring you back from captivity.' " Jeremiah is talking to the Israelites and telling them they will will be coming back from exile to the Promised Land. I believe he is also talking to us, giving us hope when we may feel that our lives are in a mindless orbit with lots of garbage and debris floating beside us. If we but ask God to get us out of the whirlpool that we are entangled in and get us into the channel of grace that is just down the river, wow, the scenery could really change. Get the picture? We might have to seek repentance, ask for forgiveness, allow some bitterness in our lives to be dissolved, or go to someone who you have wronged or has wronged you. In other words, get that slate clean so that God can begin a new work within you. Have you ever seen Niagara Falls lately? It's still runnning over. That's like God's power-- it's unlimited. It just keeps on a-comin'. It never dries up. And God's power is probably more constant, still running over. His Spirit can enter our lives and make us a new creation for His Glory! Can't beat that aye? It's our prayer that we can somehow get down that river of life so that one day we can see God's glorious redemption, only found in our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Psalm 29:3, "The voice of the Lord is upon the waters The God of glory thunders, the Lord, upon many waters." By: George Prins gprins@freenet.npiec.on.ca I live very close to Niagara Falls, in Ontario, Canada. I enjoy my family, running, meeting people, playing piano/pipe organ, trumpet and writing. I believe that whatever we do should be to the glory of our Creator. My web page is: George's Home Page: Click here: Living Water http://lynn.shada.com/living_water/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REQUESTS: From: (Mary Carol) MCdevey@aol.com Dear Michael---Through your writings I know that you are a Christian and someone who prays---and I'm guessing that most of your mailing list is the same. Soooo when I got my latest phone call from my daughter Lisa about my granddaughter Laura's condition I thought I'd write you hoping that you would pass the prayer request on to the many that know how to pray out there in computer land. Laura was born with only 3 heart chambers. Many surgeries later (3 of them being open heart surgeries) she is now 12 years old with a heart pacemaker. She truly is a living testimony to Gods grace and mercy. (Some other time I'll tell you about the last 12 years---such things as the cleaning lady praying for her as a new born, etc.) She had a check up with her doctor in Madison, WI for an echo (whatever that is) I do think I kind of understand that test--it is not major--but after she had it the Madison doctor, knowing that she was to have a check up in Rochester, MN., told my daughter to pack her suitcase. That was the part that my daughter Lisa is concerned about. She was expecting it to be just a check up at Mayo. Laura is having a hard time breathing and has had some migraine headaches since her last major surgery on Aug 18th of this year. Thanks for listening--and in advance for praying. Their appointment is for the Monday after Thanksgiving. Many Blessings to you. Mary Carol Laura's grandma From: Michael Powers I would like everyone to pray for one of my beloved basketball players. Karen Van Nevel hurt her knee as the buzzer sounded at the end of an overtime basketball game last night. She saw a doctor late last night, and it looks like she probably tore some ligaments. I know there are many things that people are dealing with, including life and death situations, but I ask that you pray for Karen as she deals with this injury. To a young high school student, who loves the game of basketball, this kind of an injury can be very hard to deal with, as she looks at missing possibly the whole season, and some painful rehab in the coming months. I know that God cares for us in all matters of our lives, whether they be big or small....... Thanks! Michael P.S. I love ya Karen! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What's the world coming to! Michael has his own weekly column on being a daddy!! This week: Michael takes Caleb to his first swimming lessons! Click on this link to go to ChildFun.com! Daddy's View | Michael's Weekly Column or type in the following in your browser: http://www.childfun.com/dads/michael.shtml ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thought For The Day: "Personality has the power to open doors, but character keeps them open." Verse for the Day: "The righteous shall never be removed." Proverbs 10:30 Kid's Thought for the day: "You are only little until someone littler comes along." Parent's Thought For The Day "Before marriage, a man will lie awake all night thinking about something you said; after marriage, he'll fall asleep before you finish saying it." (Helen Rowland) Coach's Thought For The Day "Winners do the things that losers don't like to do." Deep Thought For The Day: "I just got skylights put in my place, the people who live above me are furious." _ /_/\/\ MICHAEL T. POWERS \_\ / THUNDER27@aol.com http://members.aol.com/Thunder27/index.html /_/ \ "For I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but \_\/\ \ Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body I live for the Son \_\/ of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20