Did Miley Miss the Mark? Source: Dare2Share.org ________________________ Creation Q & A The Mystery of Ancient Man
"Colossal stone monuments. Advanced civil engineering. Lost civilizations . No, it's not the plot for an adventure movie! But peeking into our ancient past reveals a true story far more interesting ."
by Steve Cardno
Did visitors from space help build the great pyramids of Egypt and Central America?
Is advanced technology from an alien civilization needed to explain how ancient man could move huge stones, build monumental structures, create intricate artwork and organize complex cultures? Some think so, because of their evolutionary belief that ancient man was ?primitive'.
If evolution were true, the further back into history we look, evidence should show a gradual decline in man's intelligence, moving closer to the ape's. Biblical creation would indicate otherwise. Man, created in God's image, has always been intelligent. People make discoveries and invent things, and this knowledge is passed on and built upon. In this way, technology can increase within a society, but this is not because people become more intelligent.
True History
A short time after creation, people were already inventing things such as musical instruments, and metal-working (Genesis 4:21-22). By the time of the Flood, mankind would have reached a high level of technical ?know-how'. We don't know exactly how high, but there are some clues. First, it was sufficient for Noah and his helpers to be able to build a huge ocean-going vessel. The Ark measured approximately 135 metres (450 feet) long, 23 metres (75 feet) wide and 13 metres (45 feet) tall (Genesis 6:15). We know that these proportions were ideal for stability. This colossal task would have required advanced knowledge in engineering, not to mention timber-working techniques (see also Q&A: Noah's Ark).
Second, we can get some indication from the level of technology in those civilizations which sprang up rapidly after the Flood. Noah and his family would have tried to carry with them as much know-how as they could, to survive, and restart civilization in the ?new world' for which they were headed.
The Bible records that soon after the Flood, mankind built a huge city. This was in the fertile river valley of Mesopotamia, around present-day Iraq. Even evolutionists can't ignore the evidence here, and generally refer to this area as the ?cradle of civilization'. Which it was?but only for the post-Flood world.
The tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9) was probably a ziggurat, or the first type of pyramid, like others still standing in the area (around present-day Babylon). Similar styles of pyramids are found in ancient civilizations all around the world. Evolutionary historians believe that each culture devised the same style of building independently. But it seems more sensible to suggest that they are similar because they all came from the same origin?Babel.
As with any group of people in society today, those that existed at the time of the Tower of Babel would have had a diverse range of skills. Some were builders, some artists, and others farmers. However, when God divided the groups by language, the broad pool of knowledge was divided also. The original groups that became, for example, the civilizations of the Egyptians and Mayans obviously included people skilled in civil engineering, building, and so on, as evidenced by the rapid establishment of their cultures. Other groups would have lacked such knowledge.
Imagine if you and your extended family were suddenly forced to migrate rapidly into an unpopulated wilderness. Even though you come from a society with great technology, it is likely that your family group would not carry all of the necessary knowledge with you to, for example, be able to find ore-bodies, and smelt and work metals. So you might choose to use stone tools to survive.
To read the rest of this fascinating article visit:
http://www.answersingenesis.org/creation/v20/i2/ancient.asp Source: AnswersinGenesis.org
Thought For The Day
--The Youth Church of Faith Community Church in Janesville, WI This Week: August 30