Be sure to let us know who you would like it autographed for and then allow about two weeks for us to sign it and send it on its way to you.Credit card, PayPal, Checks, and Money orders accepted! The book is also available through,,, and
Living Metaphor One of the greatest stories in the Bible is in the Old Testament book of Hosea (say ho-ZAYuh). God wanted to paint a picture for his people, the Hebrew people (and eventually, for us). So--get ready, here it comes--he told Hosea to marry a prostitute! God was a creating a living metaphor of his love for us. (Have you learned about metaphors in school--when you use one thing to describe another thing?) In this story, Hosea represents God; the prostitute...well, that's us. That's because we're all so hot-and-cold in our commitments to God. Right after camp, we're totally pumped about God. But a few months later, we don't give God a passing thought unless we're in the car on the way to church. But here's the wild, surprising truth. God didn't have Hosea marry a prostitute so God could show us what unfaithful maggots we are. It's so much better than that! Hosea married Gomer. (Really, that was her name. But remember, you're Gomer! Ha! Okay, back to the story...) For a while Gomer was faithful to Hosea. But then she left him and went back to her prostituting ways, had a couple more kids (by different men), and started living with some other guy. Hosea assumed the marriage was over. But then God came to Hosea and said (you can see this in Hosea 3:1-3): "Go, show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another and is an adulteress. Love her as the LORD loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods and love the sacred raisin cakes."So I bought her for fifteen shekels of silver and about a homer and a lethek of barley. Then I told her, "You are to live with me many days; you must not be a prostitute or be intimate with any man, and I will live with you."Sacred raisin cakes? A homer of barley? Don't sweat it--here's the summary: Hosea found his wife and bought her (like, he had to pay the pimp she worked for) so she could come back and be his wife again. Does this story sound familiar to anyone? When we totally stray from God and love other things more than him, God buys us back with Jesus' death and resurrection to show us how much he loves us. See, God's love for you isn't connected to you being "good"or "bad"or anything in between. God loves you just because God loves you. ** Taken from "My Faith"by Kurt Johnston and Mark Oestreicher, copyright 2006, Zondervan/Youth Specialties. Used by permission. Order the book here: Creation Q & A Q: Why don't many of today's pastors speak with authority? Jesus is the Word, and he spoke with the authority of the Word. Remember when he was tempted by the devil? Each time he replied, "It is written." When he was asked about marriage in Matthew 19, he said, "Have you not read?" Because we also have the Word of God, we can speak with the same authority. But most Christian leaders have compromised with Genesis, and therefore don't really have a foundation for their doctrine. They can't preach with this same authority. Many pastors have acknowledged that because of the influence of evolutionary ideas, they have been unsure about the truths of God's Word. When Christian leaders believe in the Bible from its very first verse, they will preach with power and authority. Source: ![]() Creation News Click on the Bible above or visit the web site listed below! This new addition to our web site will give you an article on the leading news in the Creation/Evolution controversy each day. This section also includes a rotating Question and Answer feature and a weekly Creation Comic strip from the people at Be sure to come back and visit each day for an informative article that will help you keep up to date on the latest news in this controversial area! ___________________________________ "In taking revenge a man is but even with his enemy; but in passing it over, he is superior." --Thomas Fuller
"Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody."--Romans 12:17
"As soon as you tell a secret, it's not one."
"Parents are the bones on which children cut their teeth." -- Peter Ustinov
"We didn't lose the game; we just ran out of time." --Vince Lombardi
During the Middle Ages, probably one of the biggest mistakes was not putting on your armor because you were "just going down to the corner." --Jack Handy ___________________________________ Author MICHAEL T. POWERS "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20 Over 100,000 people have listened to popular Chicken Soup Author Michael T. Powers' free inspirational message entitled: "Breathing Life into Others". If you aren't one of them just visit: and click on the link to listen to the free streaming audio message! ___________________________________ ALL-STAR Youth Ministry --The Youth Church of Faith Community Church in Janesville, WI If you are in 6-12th grade and live in the southern Wisconsin/northern Illinois area and would like to check us out, we meet every Sunday night from 6:30-8:00 PM at Faith Community Church which is located at 2931 Lucerne Dr. in Janesville, WI. (About 3 blocks south-east of The Skating Place.) All-Stars: 6:30 - 8:00 PM Sunday nights! Open to all youth grades 9-12. The Outlet: 6:30 - 8:00 PM Sunday nights in the Multi-Purpose Room! Open to all youth grades 6-8. Currently we have students from Edgerton, Fort Atkinson, Milton, Janesville Craig, Janesville Parker, Marshall, Franklin, Clinton, Beloit Memorial, and Beloit Turner. E-mail me back if you have any questions about our weekly meetings or would like to come to any of our events that are listed below... We have way too much fun and then, most importantly, talk about issues that are relevant to you as a teenager. Upcoming Topics:
August 26: The Power of a Changed Life (Part 3) Visit our youth website to see our topics for all of 2007! ___________________________________ 6:30 - 8:00 PM Wednesday nights -- These groups are limited to no more than ten teens and are split into Jr. High and High School ages. This night is for those teens who want to dig deeper than what we do in All-Stars, but may not be ready to be a part of the Xtreme Teens. These cell groups will also be doing special activities with each other as the year goes on to build community. Jr. High age meets at the church and are led by Paula Marsden (Call 868-2456 if you have any questions!) High School age are led by Tedi Knox: 2816 Blackbridge (Call 305-0318 if you have any questions!) Xtreme Teens: Xtreme Teens meet on Wednesday nights from 6:30 - 8:00 PM all year round at the Powers' house. This group is very extensive with weekly homework, memorization, service projects, etc. Students interested in this group will have to fill out an application, provide references as to why others think they should be involved with this, and sign an agreement as to what is expected of them. Admission into Xtreme Teens is on a case by case basis. Contact Pastor Michael for more details! For more info on our small groups, visit: