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Touching Lives Across the Globe -- One E-mail at a Time!
Hope and Encouragement For Teenagers!
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Check out our Creation News Section!
Weekly articles, daily Q & A, and a Creation Comic!

If you enjoy this free email service, I encourage you to spread the word
to family and friends that we may bring inspiration into the lives of teenagers
everywhere! If you are not on the list and this has been passed along to you,
you can join readers around the world by visiting:

Stop by our web site to view past stories or to browse through the tons of
resources we have there for teens!


Finally there is a great filter to block Internet pornography and other
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Michael's updated book Heart Touchers "Life-Changing Stories of Faith,
Love, and Laughter," for just $13.95. Autographed copies are available
at no extra charge and we will pay the shipping for you. An e-book is also
available for $3.25.

Visit the link below to preview the book.

Be sure to let us know who you would like it autographed for and then allow
about two weeks for us to sign it and send it on its way to you.Credit card,
PayPal, Checks, and Money orders accepted! The book is also available
through,,, and



Picture this: You come flying in the door from a friend's house,
and all you can think of doing is getting to the TV because your
favorite show is just about to start. Homework's done, chores are
done enough--there's nothing stopping you! You take the long way
through the kitchen to grab a cold glass of milk. And there, sitting
at the table, is your older brother (just substitute another family
member if you don't have an older brother). He actually looks like
he's been crying--and you've never seen him cry. He doesn't even
respond to you entering the room. Do you:

a. Say, "Hey, crybaby! Want your baby bottle?"

b. Tiptoe through, hoping he won't say anything so you can get
to your TV show?

c. Stop and ask him, gently, what's going on?

Well--we know you're not dumb, and you know the last answer is
the "good" one. But, really, which is the one you would probably do?

The reality is: We all have needs--all the time. Some people are
better at hiding them (so, for example, it might be more of a challenge
to figure out what your dad's needs are). And some people have a crazy
idea that having other people help them means they're weak. But most
people, most of the time, really love it when people notice their needs--you sure do!

If your mom's had a long and tiring day and you still expect her to wait
on you like a servant, you're not noticing her needs. If your dad has had
to work around the house the last three weekends, and his need to clean
out the garage for your mom's new storage plan is keeping him from the
football game on TV he really wanted to watch, volunteer to help him get
it done quickly!

When you notice needs people have and do what you can to meet those
needs, you can make such a huge positive difference in your family!



Everyone loves nice surprises. They make us feel special, noticed,
cared for, and valued.

When you do unexpected things for your parents (or your siblings),
you'll blow them away. This can totally change things in your family,
making an okay family pretty great, or a great family even better.

Here are some ideas:

- Leave a note in your mom or dad's briefcase that they'll find at
work--one that says something you appreciate about them. You
could leave this note on their pillow if they don't go to work.

- If you aren't very good at doing your chores without being asked,
starting to do so can be a huge surprise gift to your parents.

- Offer to wash the dishes even if it isn't your job or your turn.

- Clean up a room that isn't your job to clean up. Or clean up the
garage or the backyard (if you have one!).

- If you have a little brother or sister, tell your parents you'd like them
to have a night out, and you'll baby-sit (without getting paid).

- Buy a small gift for a parent (or both of them, or a sibling), just to
let them know you were thinking of them. Remember, it doesn't
have to be expensive to be special.

- Send your mom or dad an e-mail or text message, just saying,
"I love you."

- Go to one of the many Web sites with free e-cards (e.g.,
or and send a free card. Again, just use this to
tell them you love them, or to thank them for taking care of your lazy butt!

- Leave little sticky notes saying, "I love you," and "You're a great
mom (or dad)," all over the places in your house where they spend
their time (on their bedside clock, on the mirror in their bathroom,
on the steering wheel in their car, and so on).

- Make something as a gift--like a picture or a craft. Giving something
you took the time to think out and make for them is an extra-special
surprise for most parents!


Taken from "My Family" by Mark Oestreicher and Kurt Johnston,
copyright 2006 Youth Specialties/Zondervan. Used by permission.
Order the book here.

Also available in your local Christian bookstore.


Creation Q & A

Q: Are there vestigial organs?

A: Vestigial organs are often used as evidence to argue in favor of
Darwinian evolution. These organs are allegedly left over from our
ancestors but are no longer useful or needed. Evolution proponents
typically contend that such structures are best explained as remnants
of evolutionary history. Supposedly, the best explanation for these
non-functional traits is that they once served a purpose in our
ancestor but now no longer do.
In a recent article for New Scientist, Laura Spinney discusses five
vestigial organs in the human body and refers to them as "useless
relics of our evolutionary past." Five organs that humans no longer
need are provided to counter the claims of creationists who supposedly
deny that vestigial organs exist at all.
Before addressing the specific organs that are covered in her article, it
is necessary to clarify how creationists should view vestigial organs.
The classic definition of a vestigial organ is an organ or structure in an
organism that is not functional, but is derived from an ancestor that had
a use for that organ or structure. Creationists understand that there has
been degeneration and mutation since the Fall. We also expect that
there would be a significant loss of information for many genes. The
loss of genes for organs that do not significantly impact survival in a
negative way could be quite prevalent. Thus, for the creationist, there
should be no problem with an organ or structure in man that has lost
some functionality. However, another possibility is that we have just
not determined or understood the function properly yet.
Creationists do not deny that there are organs in man that have lost
some of their functionality. However, they do reject the notion that those
organs were inherited from a common ancestor with apes or other
animals. Evolutionists typically point to these presumed non-functioning
organs and insist that they are evidence that we evolved from a common
ancestor with more primitive organisms. Just because humans have
organs with reduced functionality does not really count as evidence
of common ancestry. This is perhaps because God created Adam and
Eve with those organs, but they have lost some functionality in their descendants.
To read a response to all five supposedly vestigial organs, including
goosebumps and the tailbone, see Setting the Record Straight on Vestigial Organs at:


Creation News

Click on the Bible above or visit the web site listed below!

This new addition to our web site will give you an article on the leading news
in the Creation/Evolution controversy each day.

This section also includes a rotating Question and Answer feature and a
weekly Creation Comic strip from the people at

Be sure to come back and visit each day for an informative article that will
help you keep up to date on the latest news in this controversial area!


Thought For The Day

"The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet."

Verse for the Day

"I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, to be content." -- Philippians 4:11

Teen's Thought For The Day

"Sticks and stones may break my bones... and there are names that can hurt me."

Parent's Thought For The Day

"A mother is neither cocky, nor proud, because she knows the school principal
may call at any minute to report that her child has just driven a motorcycle
through the gymnasium." -- Mary Kay Blakely

Coach's Thought For The Day

"It's not true that nice guys finish last. Nice guys are winners before the game
even starts. -- Addison Walker

Writer's Thought For The Day

"Go on writing plays, my boy. One of these days one of those London producers
will go into his office and say to his secretary, 'Is there a play from Shaw
this morning?' and when she says 'No,' he will say, 'Well then, we have to
start on the rubbish,' and that's your chance, my boy." --George Bernard Shaw

Creation/Evolution Thought For The Day

"Modern Apes, for instance, seem to have sprung out of nowhere.
They have no yesterday, no fossil record. And the true origin of modern
humans - of upright, naked, tool-making big-brained humans - is, if we
are to be honest with ourselves, an equally mysterious matter."
-Dr. Lyall Watson, "The Water People," Science Digest, Vol. 90, May 1982, p. 44.

Deep Thought For The Day

"The great thing about living in a small town is when you don't know what you're
doing, someone else does."


Contributing Author to Chicken Soup for the Christian Teenage
Soul and 26 other inspirational books.

Over 135,000 people have listened to popular Chicken Soup
Author Michael T. Powers' free inspirational message entitled:
"Breathing Life into Others". If you aren't one of them
just visit: and click on the link
to listen to the free streaming audio message!

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but
Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body I live by faith in
the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."
Galatians 2:20


ALL-STAR Youth Ministry

--The Youth Church of Faith Community Church in Janesville, WI
If you are in 7-12th grade and live in the southern Wisconsin/northern
Illinois area and would like to check us out, we meet every
Sunday night from 6:30-8:00 PM at Faith Community
Church which is located at 2931 Lucerne Dr. in Janesville,
WI. (About 3 blocks south-east of Menard's.)
Currently we have students from Edgerton, Fort Atkinson, Milton,
Janesville Craig, Janesville Parker, Marshall, Franklin, Clinton,
Beloit Memorial, and Beloit Turner. E-mail me back if you have
any questions about our weekly meetings or would like to come
to any of our events that are listed below... We have way too
much fun and then, most importantly, talk about issues that
are relevant to you as a teenager.

This Week:

June 8:

Jr. High: "They're Not Just Stories!"

High School: "Always Daddy's Girl"

Next Week:

June 15

Jr. High: "Always Daddy's Girl"

High School: No HS Youth Group due to Father's Day

Visit our youth website to see our topics for the rest of 2008!


Teen Community Groups

6:30 - 8:00 PM Wednesday nights -- These groups are limited to
no more than ten teens and are split into Jr. High and High
School ages. This night is for those teens who want to dig
deeper than what we do on Sundays. These cell groups will also
be doing special activities with each other as the year goes on to
build community.

Jr. High age meets at the Youth Room at church. Questions, call 757-1938

High School age meets at the Powers' House at 1918 Liberty Lane. Questions, call 757-1938

This Week June 11:   Risk and Grace (Rahab)

For more info on our small groups, visit:


Do you feel as if life has no meaning for you?
Transfer your photographs or old home videos over to DVD or MP4 files! Give the gift that will touch your family's heart and soul.

You can join the 15,000 followers on his Facebook Nature Photography by clicking on the link above!

Touching Lives - One E-mail at a Time!
Author Michael T. Powers - HeartTouchers @
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