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Author, Michael T. Powers

"Your outlook on the youth of today all depends on whether you think teenagers have problems, or are problems.
I believe the former."
Michael is an award winning author and photographer, international speaker and the Youth Pastor at Faith Community Church in Janesville, Wisconsin. He has Bachelor of Divinity Degree from Chistian Leaders College. (Summa cum laude honors)

He is celebrating his 36th year of marriage to his high school sweetheart Kristi and together they have been involved in youth ministry for 39 years. They have three boys: Caleb, Connor, and Chase.
He founded and which are inspirational web sites and email lists with thousands of world-wide subscribers and over 12 million visitors in the past five years.
Michael authored the book: Heart Touchers "Life-Changing Stories of Faith, Love, and Laughter", and his stories have appeared in numerous newspapers and magazines around the world and in 36 other inspirational books including: 

Chicken Soup for the Sports Fan's Soul
Chicken Soup for the Grandparent's Soul
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul on Love and Friendship
Chicken Soup for the Christian Teenage Soul
Chicken Soup for the Pre-Teen Soul 2
Chicken Soup for the Father and Son Soul
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Christian Teen Talk
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Preteens Talk
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Kindness Matters
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Too Funny
Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Wonderful, Wacky Family

Stories for the Extreme Teen's Heart
Stories for a Teen's Heart 2
Stories for a Teen's Heart 3
Stories From a Soldier's Heart

God's Way for Fathers
God's Way for Teens
God's Way for Graduates
God's Way for Couples
God's Way for Teachers

God Allows U-Turns
God Allows U-Turns: American Moments
God Allows U-Turns For Teens

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff Story Collection
The Miracle of Boys
A Man of Honor
Smiles for Dads
A Man After God's Heart: When a Father's Spirit Soars


Journeys of Friendship
American Sailors and United States Marines at War and Peace
Echoes From the Halls
Swift Silent and Surrounded
Creating Emotionally Safe Schools (Interview).

Michael won the 2005 Storytelling World Resource award from Storytelling Magazine, chosen from among hundreds of stories, books, and recordings.

Michael was honored in 2000 by Heartwarmers with the title: Heartwarmer Gem as one of their most beloved writers -- "those who have consistently contributed outstanding and memorable works that have captured the hearts and minds of their members around the world."

He appeared on national TV in a thirty minute interview on the show "Book Tours with Corinne Edwards" (Wisdom Television Network) and recently appeared on the morning TV talk show: The Morning Blend on TMJ 4 NBC in Milwaukee. He has also been interviewed on regional TV shows for his writing. 

Michael is also a motivational speaker, speaking mostly at high schools, churches, and corporate settings, and was the keynote speaker on "Taking Time for Parenting" for Farm Progress Days, one of the nation's largest agricultural shows. He has also spoken to teens many times in Asia and Europe at conferences and international schools.

Michael attended the Answers in Genesis Creation College and was trained by Ken Ham and the Answers in Genesis staff to do multi-media presentations on the Creation/Evolution controversy and Apologetics while upholding the authority of the bible from the very first verse.

Michael was also trained by AnchorsAway Ministries, a ministry dedicated to the transformation of hearts and minds through the teaching of the Christian worldview. Designed for high school seniors and college students, this curriculum helps to develop an authentic faith in the person of Jesus Christ.  Besides building an understanding of the Christian worldview, it encourages and equips students to be a catalyst for change in their culture.  Anchorsaway is a crucial bridge, a transition, from high school to college or the workplace.

He also serves with Tychicus Ministries, whose main goal is to “serve those who serve” by coming along side established missionaries in the field to keep them strong so they can fulfill the mission God is calling them to. The main way they do this is by providing support staff for the sending agency's conference (World Team Missions for example). Their support teams are comprised of youth pastors, children's pastors, music ministers, specialized teachers and speakers to help fulfill the conference needs. Through Tychicus Michael has had opportunities to speak to teens all over the world!

He also owns and operates Video Imagery, a video production business that has produced over 8000 videos for businesses and families across the nation, specializing in memory videos (transferring photos and home movies over to video), corporate videos, weddings and basketball training DVD's, including internationally marketed DVD's for Bo Ryan and Greg Gard (UW Wisconsin), Buzz Williams (Marquette) , Bill Self (Kansas), Mark Gottfried (NC State), Tom Herrion (University of Marshall), Matt Bollant (University of Illinois - Women), Jerry Petitgoue (Wisconsin's all time winningest basketball coach) and many others.

He is a Federation of Outdoor Volleyball Men's Open Sand Doubles Champion and an eight-time Gold Medallist in volleyball for the Badger State Games (Wisconsin's State Olympics). He is also a high school girls' basketball coach (36 years) at Parkview High School (formerly of Clinton High School - 2003 Division 3 State Champion Lady Cougars), and a certified USA Junior Olympic Girls' 18 and under volleyball coach.

Michael is an avid reader (he always has a good book going) and shares a love for the outdoors and wildlife with his wife and sons. They especially enjoy camping, fishing, and hiking.

You can follow his photography on Facebook at:

Or on Instagram at:

You can also follow his youtube channel at:

You can e-mail Michael at:


Want a sneek peek at Michael's book?  Check out the four stories below!
Purchase an autographed copy of Heart Touchers "Life-Changing Stories of Faith, Love, and Laughter" by Chicken Soup Author Michael T. 

Price $20

Just click on the links below!

Or you can make a check or money order for $20 made out to Michael T. Powers. Then send it to:
Michael T. Powers
2931 Lucerne Dr.
Janesville, WI 53545
Be sure to let us know who you would like it autographed for and then allow about two weeks for us to sign it and send it on its way to you.

Order Heart Touchers as an EBook (kindle file or PDF) for just $7.00 Click on the link below!

Or you can order a copy of the Heart Touchers book from Amazon for just $14.95!

Heart Touchers "Life-Changing Stories of Faith, Love, and Laughter"
This delightful collection of stories will warm the hearts of readers of all ages. With contributions from Michael's wife Kristi, also a published writer, each story speaks to the emotions and experiences of all walks of life.

With an uncanny ability to make the reader feel as if he or she is a participant as the story unfolds, Michael draws upon his experiences as a husband, father, business owner, high school coach, blue-collar worker, competitive athlete, and youth leader. Packed with compassion, heartache, love, laughter, and Godly wisdom, this book offers inspiration, humor and advice to those going through difficult times and to those who may just need a reminder that the really important things in life happen to us while we are making other plans.

In "Celebrating Daddyhood", Michael touches on the importance of spending time with one's children. From the excitement of childbirth to a child's first swimming lesson, this section deals with the triumphs and trials of the amazing journey called Daddyhood.

In "Celebrating Sports", he shares about the ups and downs of athletics. Ranging from a superstar track athlete who "loses" for the first time in her career, to life lessons learned in the heat of competition, to the incredible mental battles that go on inside an athlete's head, these stories expound upon what is still good about sports these days.

In "Celebrating Relationships", Michael and Kristi share stories illustrating every person's need to love and be loved, including first loves and friendships that begin before kindergarten and are still going strong. This section will give readers the resolve to cultivate the relationships that are most important in life.

"Celebrating Life", deals with just that-taking the time to celebrate life. Rather than being about the big promotion or the house we just have to have, life is really about all the little things that we pass up and just don't have the time to do. From a young boy's life-long search for a father's love to, to honoring the perfect baby-sitter, to a Romanian immigrant who just wouldn't quit until he found freedom, these stories will give you a new perspective on everyday life.

What Other Authors Are Saying about Heart Touchers
Foreword by Joan Wester Anderson
Professional writers get very irritable when someone informs us that he is planning to write a book "whenever I have the time" or comments that it must be great to "lie around the house, waiting for inspiration."  Such folks have no idea how hard writing is, and how often we squeeze assignments in around the demands of another job (to say nothing of a family) or re-think our career choice: on bad days, even elevator repair or medical school seem preferable.
Then, once in awhile, we meet a newcomer ready and eager to master all he can, knowing that the learning will require sacrifice and rejection, who brings to his craft that certain combination of emotion, sincerity and logic and isn't afraid to let it show, who writes because not to write would be worse---and we recognize him.  We are us, and now he is us. Such a person is Michael T. Powers.
For the past year I have been enjoying Michael's pieces on his web site. They are warm, funny, touching and filled with the family and spiritual values that make him such a solid man.  My favorite changes from week to week; sometimes I think he will never surpass "When Lightning Bugs Look Like Fireworks", but then I re-read "Taking Off the Mask" and again, enjoy the goosebumps.  How did this young person get to be so good, I wonder?  Not just at writing, but at life?  People who worry about the moral development of today's twenty- and thirty-somethings ought to read his parenting pieces, his stories of coaching teenage basketball players.  They would be truly consoled and encouraged.
Fortunately, that's something we can all do.  Michael's collection of stories Heart Touchers is here.  I can recommend it wholeheartedly, and am looking forward to yet another read.  Michael, welcome to the "lying around the house" club.  May Heart Touchers be only the beginning.
-- Joan Wester Anderson
New York Times Best-Selling Author of fifteen books including:
WHERE ANGELS WALK and the just released Forever Young,
the authorized biography of Hollywood legend Loretta Young.
With warmth and honesty, Michael T. Powers turns ordinary moments into extraordinary stories.  His family and friends find their way into your heart and stay there as treasures.  If you want to be reminded of what's important in life, you will want to read, Heart Touchers.
-- Alice Gray
Compiler of the best-selling Stories for the Heart book collection.

Michael T. Powers is a Gem!  And I don't use that term lightly.  You see, as publisher of an emailed newsletter that goes to tens of thousands of subscribers who live in 130 countries around the world, I receive submissions from hundreds of writers.  Let me tell you, there is a lot of talent out there.  But only a chosen few have rated the highest title we bestow upon our most creative and beloved writers -- Heartwarmer Gem. Michael has an uncanny ability to use his skills to combine both his topic and artistry into a magical story that touches both the heart and soul.  He can take us on a journey (I call them "escapes") without leaving our chairs.  He can expand our minds and imaginations to places yet discovered. Even with the things we see and do everyday, Michael provides an entertaining viewpoint that helps us to express, with words we could never find, what we've always felt.  He shows us new ways to look at ourselves. Take my word for it...  once you get to know Michael and his stories, you will be making time for yourself to enjoy his wonderful tales, and your friends will be wondering where your "glow" came from.
    -- Lee Simonson,
As the editor of the Heartwarmers books, I have had the privilege of reading Michael T. Powers' stories over the last few years.  Michael has perfected the art of telling a compelling story with a sense of humor, enough description so that you feel that you are there with him as the story unfolds, and usually, a lesson or two tucked in to the story as well!

Mostly, what you feel when you read Michael's stories are his heart -- the vast love he expresses for his wife, his children, and God.   Whether you enjoy laughing, crying, or thinking while reading a good story, you'll find it all in Michael Powers' collection.
--Azriela Jaffe
Author and compiler of the best-selling Heartwarmers series of books.


Reading Michael T. Powers' book, Heart Touchers, is like looking into a Norman Rockwell painting.  This intimate glimpse into the Powers' family is so filled with love, admiration and respect for family, and God, that it will warm your heart and fill you with hope for generations to come. 
-- Saga Stevin
Author of The Golden Triangle: A Simple Philosophy on Dating & Relationships and Be Nice! - Discovering the pearls in life's little lessons.
 Michael with his first son Caleb
"A child's hand in yours - what tenderness it arouses, what power it conjures. You are instantly the very touchstone of wisdom and strength."
--Marjorie Holmes
Transfer your photographs or old home videos over to DVD or MP4 files! Give the gift that will touch your family's heart and soul.

You can join the 15,000 followers on his Facebook Nature Photography by clicking on the link above!

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